We think automatically

Find out what increase in productivity is possible
for your machine tool through automation

How it works

  1. Tell us your current status
    • Experience and tips are available via the info field
  2. Define your automation goals
    • Here you tell us what you expect from your automation
  3. Experience increased productivity

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Do you know the compound interest of automation?

Figures, data, facts

Summary (as PDF)

Retrofit design

We’ll draw up an initial automation design for your machinery free of charge and without obligation.


Here you’ll find all the information we need to create your automation design.

Was the productivity calculator helpful?


    This rating is anonymous and is used to improve our calculator. When you carry out the rating, no personal data will be collected from you.

    Your contact
    for automation solutions

    Sebastian Auth

    Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
    Asst. Head of Sales

    Expert for Automation Solutions

    +49 6659 82-67
