Simple, universal automation for retrofitting your machinery

We show you the way to more spindle hours without having to invest in new machine tools.
And if you do need a new machine, the automation will work with it too, no matter who it comes from.

Because we operate a machining shop with over 30 machines ourselves, we know exactly what’s important in the automation of machine tools. Put simply: maximizing the effective machine hours.
That’s why we offer solutions that simply work.

Automation solutions by machinists for machinists

We’ll be at the AMB trade fair in Stuttgart, September 13-17.
See you there? Meet us in Hall 6, stand C32

These topics await you

It doesn't always have to be a new machine Retrofitting pays off


  • Inexpensive – lower investment costs

  • Unmanned – night and weekend shifts without requiring additional personnel

  • Efficient– with automation, processing center achieve an OEE of up to 95%

  • Sustainable – keep using your existing machines

  • Reliable – no need to recreate established programs

  • Flexible – for all common manufacturers and generations

Your custom retrofit design

We work with you to create an automation concept that makes sense for you, based on your goals and options.

Click here for a free automation concept with no commitment

Leveraging potential

With just a few clicks, you can find out

  • your additional production capacity
  • the added value generated
  • the associated employee expenses

You’ll also receive a practical comparison with your current situation.


To create a concept for you as efficiently as possible during your appointment, we need some information from you.

To that end, we’ve prepared this questionnaire.

Please send the completed questionnaire

Automation success stories with productivity calculation

Would you like an individual consultation about our automation?

Automation of machine tools Step by step

We recommend the following steps

  • Workpiece automation – for unmanned shifts

  • Workpiece automation – for even more flexibility

  • Digitization – for maximum transparency

Getting started

It’s important to have an experienced partner who can provide targeted support at all stages of expansion.

So we’ll provide an initial outline for this free of charge


  • Simple – the complexity of the project is reduced

  • Fast – initial results are visible more quickly

  • Inexpensive – investment costs at the start of the project are lower

  • Accepted – the team can get used to the new working conditions

  • Goal-oriented – you get exactly what you really need

  • Secure – future expansion is easily possible

Useful tool

What else can you get out of your existing machine? We’ve created a tool to make it easier for you to determine your individual automation potential.

Click through and see – without obligation – the potential that might be hiding in your production!

More information on the automation steps

Step 1: Workpiece automation

Step 2: Tool automation

Step 3: Digitization

Future-proof Automation solutions that grow with you

Our automation solutions
stand for freedom without limits

Theoretically, you can make them as large as you like and expand them again and again. It almost doesn’t matter what is stored and automated. Tools or workpieces on completely different clamping pallets?

Our storage units can do just about anything.

Automation solution with a future Independent
independent of the machine manufacturer

  • Solutions that fit – for this machine, the next one, and the ones after that
  • You decide – you, not the automation, choose your next machine type
  • One system – for linking different manufacturer brands and production technologies
  • Retrofitting – of existing machine tools, but also for new ones

A terminal is right for you:

  • if you want to combine a maximum of 2 machines as a stand-alone solution
  • if you want to automate economically, flexibly and sustainably

A linear storage system is right for you:

  • if you want to link multiple machines
  • if you want an expandable system with a low initial investment

Automation for the most important resource: your employees

Let’s face facts

The shortage of skilled workers, and the immediate consequences, is today the most important issue that companies need to address if they want to be successful over the long term.
Where in the past automation solutions were used to reduce required employee numbers, today these solutions are necessary to make workplaces attractive for well-trained personnel.


  • Efficiency through multi-machine operation
  • Stress-free set-up parallel to production
  • New challenges
  • Further training options and promotion opportunities

New work

  • Modern shift models
  • Flexible working hours
  • No weekend work
  • Flexible on-call services
  • Mobile process control

Wage increases

  • Higher qualifications
  • More efficient working methods
  • Increased output per employee
  • Less shift work and overtime

Take the first step now

  • Act now to future-proof your production
  • We work with you to create a concept for your machinery