We think automatically

Automation for machine tool manufacturers
Customized, networked and easy to integrate

Handling of tools and workpieces, individually adapted to your machine tool.

Automation solutions for machine tools are becoming increasingly complex and diverse. Decisions on machine purchases no longer depend just on the machine, but more and more on the overall system, including automation.

Customer requirements for automation are extremely varied and very specific to the individual. As a machine tool manufacturer (OEM), it's often difficult to predict which automation solution will be best for your customers. A broad portfolio of automation solutions is therefore crucial in order to be able to offer the optimum overall concept with minimum effort.

The integration of automation solutions on OEM machines is a challenge. So it's advisable to work with a partner who not only has in-depth knowledge of the automation of tools and workpieces, but also understands interfaces to control systems.

WASSERMANN offers you turnkey solutions for the automated handling of tools and workpieces. You can rely on our expertise to make your products efficient and future-proof.

Your advantages

with us as your partner for automation

  • Greater competitiveness – reduce costs effectively to increase your competitiveness.
  • Efficiency from batch size 1 – maximum efficiency from batch size 1.
  • Flexibility and special solutions – adaptation to a wide range of variants and individual user custom solutions.
  • Cost-sensitive solutions for OEMs – cost-efficient solutions specifically conceived for OEMs.
  • Customized but proven – fast customization with a proven modular system.
  • A complete solution from a single source – comprehensive expertise for automation solutions, including connection to OEM machines.

We work with well-known machine manufacturers on tool handling and automation

Everything points to us Automate your products with Wassermann

Automation with an experienced partner

The penetration of automation specialists into the machine tool market is clear to see. As experienced experts, we support OEMs in continuing to successfully serve the automation market. WASSERMANN has been an established presence for decades as a proven supplier of tool changing systems for OEMs. Benefit from a reliable partner in the automation of workpieces and tools.

Integrating automation solutions into machine tools is not easy. That's why it's smart to work with a partner who is familiar with automation for tools and for workpieces, understands the interfaces to control systems and maintains close contact to the automation world.

With WASSERMANN as your partner, you benefit from over 20 years of experience in the automation of machine tools. Our terminals, storage systems, and handling systems are used in production facilities worldwide.

Efficiency and flexibility for OEMs through automation solutions.

No one will notice that the OEM is working with a partner (image AO-3)

50 years of experience in machining

Experience automation solutions first-hand Come and see us!

Discover the fascinating world of CNC automation solutions up close!

We cordially invite you to visit our showroom and experience for yourself what we have in store for you.

Your contact for automation solutions
for manufacturers of machine tools

Sebastian Auth

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Asst. Head of Sales

Expert for Automation Solutions

+49 6659 82-67
