We think automatically

Tool storage systems and loading systems –
the TOOL terminals

Intelligent tool handling directly on the machine

With the TOOL terminals from WASSERMANN, you switch your tools to automatic mode. You benefit from a well thought-out configuration, powerful software, and a fast, robust mechanical system. Automation and set-up during production time enable you to reduce set-up times, while the intelligent tool allocation in our software accelerates the tool changing processes.

Your advantages: more spindle hours, higher throughput, more turnover potential

Use the modular principle for configuration. Select the design of your tool storage system based on the desired capacity range. Then decide on details such as the exact capacity, mounts, tool length, and other features.

CNC automation – tool storage system TOOL-D decentralized storage system

Your advantages

Develop productivity from order

  • Space-saving – high tool density, e.g. 552 tools on only 3.5 m²!
  • All-rounder – for all common tool mounts
  • Open – storage system with interfaces to tool management, tool setup, and production
  • Economical – short amortization period
  • Market-oriented – complex jobs with existing machines
  • Productive – reducing downtime with sister tools
  • Attractive – a modern production environment for your team
  • Demand-based – three basic architectures for flexible configurations

CNC automation from WASSERMANN TECHNOLOGIE GmbH Customized solutions for your production

Why CNC automation for tools?

CNC automation solutions for tools that make sense

Cost-effective tool handling with CNC automation

The TOOL terminals: configure your success factor

0 pcs. 1000 pcs.
Reset selection

Three architectures for your tool storage system

TOOL-S: the economical entry-level

The round shelves with the smallest footprint and 3 to 7 levels

Your tools in the round. The TOOL-S is a round shelf storage system with 3 to 7 shelf levels. Pack up to 350 tools together on a small footprint. This gives you many times the capacity of conventional machine-adjacent magazines. TOOL-S can be run on almost any machine, allowing any production facility to implement automated tool handling or expand the machine-adjacent magazines.

You can use the modular system of TOOL-S to achieve the exact configuration for your automated tool storage system. Please contact us for an in-person consultation.


  • S for shelf: The compact shelf system for up to 350 tools can be combined with almost any machine.

TOOL-D: the space saver

TOOL-L: the linear storage system with unlimited expansions

Application options for your TOOL terminal

As an additional magazine directly next to the machine tool

As an additional magazine on the machine, the terminal exchanges tools with the internal magazine of the machine. There are three options for controlling the terminal.

  1. Without a dedicated control system:
    The machine controller controls the terminal.
  2. With sequence controller and IO link interface: 
    The machine controller manages the tools.
    The terminal sequence controller coordinates the handling in the terminal and the transfer of tools to the machine magazine.
  3. With sequence controller, own management, and IO interface:
    The terminal controller controls the sequence and manages the tools in the terminal.
    In addition, the terminal controller uses an interface to transfer control signals and tool data to the machine controller.
    Integration of data from the tool setup is also possible.


As a direct magazine for machines without tool magazine

As a central magazine for several manufacturing systems

As a stand-alone storage unit for prepared tools

Your contact
for tool storage systems and loading systems

Sebastian Auth

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Asst. Head of Sales

Expert for Automation Solutions

+49 6659 82-67
